Tuesday, December 12

One of These Things Just Doesn't Belong Here....

Should the fact that Lindsay Lohan is attending AA meetings be a top news story?

Do you see it? Just after the real news story of a Pennsylvania teenager shooting himself at his school? Lohan says she's attending AA meetings

I just don't get it. I don't understand why it is a top news story. Aren't there bigger fish to fry? So, she's going to AA meetings. Big deal. Whoop-t-freakin'-do.

And, on a side note, who believes anything that child says? She says she's going. But is she really going? She also says she's been going for a year now and has been sober for one week. You have to go for a year before you can attain one week's sobriety? Whoa.

All I want for Christmas is a 4.0 average and less frivolity in the news-o-sphere. Thank you.

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