Thursday, March 2


Watching American Idol can lead to a myriad of thoughts in a short amount of time. Like:

* Okay, why did Bucky get a "You did awesome!" from the judges when Will didn't? What is up with that? I mean, I'm not usually a fan of Will's, but he really pulled it together this week. He wasn't being a show-off. He was excellent! I'm still surprised by his performance. Will's performance was completely unexpected for me. And those idiot judges told Bucky he performed better.
* Isn't Kevin the cutest? He's just so darn cute. I don't think they get any cuter than Kevin. And he's got such a lovely voice. Simon has to say he's not Idol material and stuff, but still. I think he is. American needs voices like Kevin's! They're better than voices like Clay, Ruben, or Fantasia's!
* Elliot's freakin' awesome. He's just awesome. He consistently knocks out the performances. He rocks.
* Randy is getting so annoying. What's with the stupid hooping and hollering? He's not Arsenio Hall for crying out loud!
* Ace is perhaps the most gorgeous person in the contest. He's just adorable. His performance was so-so last night (what possessed you to choose that song, Ace?!), but I still have faith in Ace.

And in completely unrelated Idol ramblings.... did everyone see Steven Hill last night?? I'm telling you, next year, Steven Hill is going to kick so much ass.

Just you wait and see.

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