Wednesday, March 1

Brokeback Something

Once upon a time, there were two men with a dilemma. One of the men owned a mule that was stubborn and subordinate. The two men thought long and hard about what they could do to make the mule come around.

One day, some random fellow offered up this little gem of advice: If you throw the mule down on the ground and roll all over it, it'll bond with you.

And so, the two men decided that would be their plan of action. The following Saturday, the two friends set out to throw the mule to the ground. Once they got the stubborn ass on the ground, they proceeded to roll all over it in an attempt to establish some sort of connection with the dumb thing.

The End.

Okay. What the crap? Who in their right mind would suggest that you should throw a mule to the ground and roll all over it? And who in their right mind would actually throw a mule to the ground and roll all over it??

Yes, the above story did occur.

Do you realize how rough it would be to wrestle a mule to the ground? Mules aren't the lightest pack animals, you know. It's a wonder these two didn't end up with broken backs or something.

The whole scenario reminds me of Brokeback Mountain.

I don't even know what else to say.

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