Friday, December 16

I Hate....

I hate the Black Eyed Peas.

Not the vegetable, which I very much enjoy. But I hate the musical group with the fiery passion of ten thousand suns. I really believe that the group should burn in Hell for creating a song like My Humps.

My humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps.....

It is the most ridiculous song, tied for first place with Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl, which, by the way, I still do not understand. What is a "Hollaback Girl" ?? And why must there be a song about not being one?

Anyhow. I can't even begin to fully explain my absolute hatred of the Black Eyed Peas. Who writes a song with lyrics like that? There's little kids around the world singing those awful lyrics. Half of these children don't even know what they're singing! It's a disgrace.

It's just horrendous.

* * *

I hate those crinkled-wrinkled clothes that are "in" at the moment. Ever heard of an iron, people??

Why would anyone pay for clothing that is already wrinkled? I don't understand it. I also don't understand how people can spend money on jeans and other clothing that look as though they've been worn a million times when, in fact, they're brand spanking new! It's ludicrous.

I mean, if I wanted to wear a wrinkled shirt, I'd take a page out of my sister's book. She throws all of her clothes on the floor of her bedroom (yes, all of them -- she does not discriminate). Then, she walks over them for several days until she decides to wear one of the haphazardly thrown articles of clothing. She puts on the clothing... and voila! Wrinkled, crinkled, and fashionably messy without paying the extra money for already wrinkled clothing.

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