Monday, December 26

2005: A Year In Review

If your name is Sydney Bristow, there's no reason to get romantically involved with anyone. They just die tragic deaths and then, you're all alone.

All work and no play makes me a very cranky person. Alternatively, more play and not enough work makes me have lackluster grades and in turn, makes me a very cranky person.

The heart can actually be broken. And it doesn't take some outside force to do the breaking business. The heart can be shattered by its owner, just as easily as it can be broken by someone else.

Tropical storms are not limited to coastal areas. They can travel inland as far as they'd like to travel. They'll do whatever they like, thank you very much.

School sucks. It sucks time. It sucks money. And contrary to what you might think when your parents tell you this, money does not grow on trees.

One should not always listen to their brain. The brain is often selfish, thinking only of himself. This is why the brain and the heart sometimes do not see eye to eye. If your heart is telling you one thing, but your brain is telling you another, listen to your heart. The brain has ulterior motives.

Don't overthink things. The simplest explanation is often the right one. Ockham's Razor or whatnot.

Blogs can be a major waste of time. I've accumulated over 150 posts this year.

1 comment:

Astrid said...

Wow, I sure hope this isn't your most positive thread of the year! Haha .. Chin up, kick back, and try to live life to the fullest! Sometimes it is a bit of a struggle, but without a positive attitude it sure can be WONDERFUL, Tkra!!!