Monday, October 31

Things to Do

1. Try to track down some advisory figure that knows why the hell my degree is so screwed up. Only one class required for my degree is being offered next semester.

2. Write a document bequeathing all of my personal effects and assets to the people I deem important.

3. Think of creative and exciting ways to jump off the nearest cliff.

4. Actually jump off the nearest cliff.

1 comment:

Astrid said...

Things to do:

Advice Sloth to only jump in swimming-pools, not from cliffs.

Advice Sloth to not splash the old folks in the swimming-pool for they don't like that and will get grumpy.

Tell Sloth that its a shame that life ain't always easy, but even with enormous struggles now and then, life can sure be wonderful.

Tell Sloth that she is happy to have her around, knows everything will turn out fine, and that she must just believe in it!!!

Now show me a smile!!!

Warm fuzzy bunny-hug,
