Tuesday, January 16

Adventures Thus Far

In my three days of being at school, the following adventures have occurred:

1. Near drowning on the drive and moving in process. See previous post.

2. Near frostbite from walking around campus and town -- it's freakin' freezing, people! Any body part that is not wrapped in clothing (like one's face) quickly becomes cold and red within two seconds of stepping outdoors.

3. Heater in my suite stopped working. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why every major appliance I'm around keeps breaking. It was maybe 20 degrees outside. Thank God for best friends and down comforters!

4. Fire alarm and subsequent evacuation at 2:42 in the morning. Some idiot pulled the fire alarm this morning. I don't know if it was by accident or done as a joke, but it wasn't funny either way. I pull myself out of bed and into the foyer of my suite, where I realize that my baby freshman in the room next to me are not emerging from their room! So, I knock and open the door. Two little faces are staring at me in the dark: "What's going on??" "Can we go back to sleep?" No, you may not go back to sleep. Put your shoes on and grab your coat. We've got to go outside.

Thankfully, they didn't make us go outside. Did I mention it was 20 degrees outside?

5. Switched from one section of a class to another section. My department head comes into my British Literature class this morning, demanding that some of us take the afternoon class. I didn't want to take the afternoon class because I had my classes scheduled together (8-9:20, then 9:30-10:50). I also knew that the other section is set to read Mrs. Dalloway, a book I have no desire to read. I actually tried to read it once two or three years ago. It was not cool. Then, Mr. Department Head announced that if no one would leave voluntarily, he'd look at our schedules and move us all around willy-nilly.

Well, I couldn't have that. So, now I'm taking British Literature from 2:30-3:50. At least I don't have to be up at the crack of dawn in frigid temperatures anymore.

So far, five adventures in under 3 days. That's got to be a record or something.

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