Thursday, November 30

Short Random Bursts of Randomness

It's raining anvils outside. There is not a speck of dry anything anywhere. It's ridiculous and I will not stand for it!

If this blog becomes quiet, it is because I have drowned in the torrential downfall that is rapidly swallowing my campus.

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So, apparently, Tom Cruise kissed Katie Holmes for, like, ten years at their highly publicized, mock Italian wedding. And it was a mock wedding. They were married before they left the states. But I just want to point out that the reason the kiss lasted so long was because that was when Tom was officially sucking Katie's soul out of her body. She is now without a soul. She is a mindless drone, eager to follow Tom to the ends of the Earth.

You were so cute and fun on Dawson's Creek. Well, when Joey was with Dawson. I didn't care so much for Joey to be with Pacey. And I realize that as a girl you dreamed of marrying Tom Cruise. But was that really necessary? I dreamed of marrying Zach Morris, but you don't see me actually marrying him, do you?

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My stupid school had a stupid program on Tuesday night entitled "Sex in the Dark." They kept putting up posters to advertise for it. There were "Sex in the Dark" posters everywhere. But it didn't tell you what the program was about. So, really, isn't that false advertisement? Because I would imagine that a program called "Sex in the Dark" would involve a gigantic orgy of college students, having sex in the dark. Right? Am I wrong in this?

Well, that's not what the program was about. I didn't go or anything. But I later found out what it was all about and it wasn't sex in the dark.

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A car dealership in a small town near my small town has a little sign proclaiming that they have the cheapest prices from here to "Tin Buck To."

Really? Tin Buck To?

I don't know if it is meant to be a joke or if they really don't know how to spell Timbuktu. I kept meaning to take a picture of it when I was home but I always forgot. Tin Buck To.

I mean, seriously.

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There's this O'Reilly's Auto Parts store in my college town. Their little sign encourages you to buy "O'Rielly's" gift cards for those hard-to-buy-for people. They misspelled their own name! And the name is on the sign in HUGE letters!

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Britney Spears: could you please wear appropriate clothes at all times? I am glad that you're divoricing KFed, but couldn't you at least throw on some underpants before you go out partying with Paris Hilton?

And really, Britney? Paris Hilton? How different from KFed is she? Sure, she wears designer clothes, but she's kind of icky in her own way. She often gathers animals (dogs, monkeys, ferrets) and then, abandons them, much like KFed does with his own children. They're not very different, ol' Kevin and Paris.

Just something to think about.

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