Sunday, August 6

A Crazy Weirdo Tried to Kidnap Me!

I was almost kidnapped yesterday.

Well, not really. But I was practically assaulted by some weirdo at Wal-Mart. And he wasn't just your run-of-the-mill weirdo. He was one of those super scary, make-you-want-to-curl-up-in-the-fetal-position-and-cry-out-for-your-mommy weirdos. My heart was just paralyzed in absolute fear.

I was standing there, making eye contact, alerting this guy to the fact that I'm aware he's a weirdo that he's attempting crazy voodoo. But I think he was so strung out on drugs that he didn't realize or he didn't care.

At first, he nearly ran me over. After that abrupt meeting, he began to follow me, asking me questions about when school started and if I had any children. Finally, a manager came up and asked him if he was harassing people. He denied harassment and scurried off in the direction of the door, sneaking looks over his shoulder every couple of feet.

It was truly bizarre. And extremely frightening.

So, beware of the heat. It brings out the crazy weirdos.

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