Wednesday, May 24

American Idol: A Serious Problem

So, I'm glad Taylor won American Idol. I certainly didn't want Katharine McPhee winning it. I still wish Elliott Yamin would have won. He deserved it. I'm quite proud of that kiddo. Go Elliott!!

Although... Taylor and his random screaming of "Soul Patrol" was really beginning to get on my last nerve.

Anyhow, this concludes my first and last season of American Idol. I will not be watching it again. I have several reasons for not watching it in the future. First, it interferes with other shows and I will not have access to a DVR. Second, I would like to have control of my life instead of spending hours voting each week. I do have things I need to do, you know. Third, it really angers me that more people vote for American Idol than for the president of their freakin' country! That's ridiculous. And fourth, I've decided that the show is rigged. So, there you go.

But let's dart back to reason three, shall we? How can we increase voter turn-out for important elections? You know, the kind of elections where we choose someone to run our national and state governments? The kind of elections that have more of an impact on our lives than American Idol, or at least should have more of an impact. For whatever reason, the important elections are often overshadowed by the election of a new American Idol.

Should we start offering phone voting for official elections? Would that increase voter turn-out? Should we make the presidential race into a reality television series? Perhaps that would increase voter turn-out as well.

I mean, this is a serious problem!

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