Wednesday, April 19

Bring On the Weird!

So, TomKitten has arrived. The world will be ending in 3...2...1...

I'm thoroughly disappointed. Although, I'm still not sure I believe that there is an actual baby. Sure, there are reports saying that Baby Suri was born yesterday and that TomKat "joyously" welcomed her arrival. And Katie has been looking fairly large lately. But it still seems like some big publicity stunt.

Until there is a paternity/maternity test done on the child to prove that it is the spawn of TomKat, I'm not going to believe it.

I'll just think of the baby as another poor, little adopted child Tom Cruisazy has added to his brood.

* * *

Cape Boy has been out in full force these last two days. And, for whatever reason, I seem to always run smack into him. These days, he's sporting a new cape. This one is long, black, and floor-length and it has... wait for it... a HOOD. Yesterday, he had this stupid cape on in the 90+ degree weather.

Picture this.... it's a nice, extremely warm spring day. You're walking across your beautiful campus to your intended destination when you see something that causes your breath to catch in your throat. Fear overtakes your body as you stare at the Ringwraith floating across the path in front of you.

Yes. A Ringwraith.

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