Tuesday, January 31

What Is WRONG With These People?

So, I hear a news report today about some very intelligent people who feel it's necessary to skin a dog alive. A sick person with horrible manners took a poor innocent dog's skin away from the animal while the dog was still alive. When the authorities found it, they had to put it to sleep because the dog was in so much pain.

What. The. Crap.

The poor victimized puppy was a beagle! A beagle that made its way home after it was brutally skinned like a wild buffalo!

Who does that?

And in addition to the beagle, two other dogs, a cat, four goats, and a cow have been ritualistically slaughtered. These animals weren't killed to provide sustenance of any kind. They were just rudely and horribly tortured and left to die.

This is absolutely disgusting. I don't understand why people do such things.

Let's think about this. Perhaps, poor Beagle-Puppy aggravated the Animal Slaughter-ers. There's a lot of people who aggravate me, but you don't see me going around skinning and slaughtering people left and right.

It's bad manners.

Tuesday, January 24

"You Know What I Mean?"

No. I don't know what you mean. I don't know you at all. And for some reason, I think that I would have to know you somewhat to know what you mean.

And I can tell from the slightly blank look in your eyes that you hardly have a clue what you mean. You're just asking everyone else if they know what you mean as a filler phrase in intelligent conversation.

But if every three words is punctuated with a "You know what I mean?," how intelligent is the brain that is lurking in your skull?

So, no, I don't know what you mean. I do know that you're always talking about things you find intellectually stimulating. This does not mean that the rest of us think in the same manner as you think. I also know that it's only been three classes and already, I want to strangle myself.

"Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah-blah. Blah blah. Blah-bitty-blah-blah-blah. You know what I mean??"

Monday, January 23

Adventures in French Class

Alana: "Your jeans are cute."

Rindy: "Thanks. Your face is cute."

Friday, January 20

Random is the Way to Be!

The first week of the semester has come and gone. Things seem promising.

Of course, things would appear a lot more promising if I wasn't so tired. Sleep has not come easy this week.

Don't give up on something you really want. But if it's not something you really want, and it's making you miserable, why are you doing it? Stop! Cease and desist! Spend your days doing things that bring you some amount of enjoyment. Otherwise, what's the point in living?

Life is hard enough as it is. Leading a miserable life when you have the power to change the misery into something good is ridiculous. You're just making things harder on yourself.

Sigh. I miss sleep.

I miss. . .

Tuesday, January 17

The Return of Evil

Cape Boy has returned.

No, he's not in one of my classes. But he almost was. Or rather, I was almost in a class that he is taking this semester.

I am so glad that I decided to change my major!

I could not have tolerated another semester with Cape Boy. Especially since I have decided that his extracurricular activities involve first-degree murder.

(Of course, I have zero evidence to back up that particular theory. I am, however, waiting for the evidence to present itself, which it will in due time.)

Holy Mackeral! What if he took that class because he thought I would be taking it???

Cape Boy is stalking me!

Tuesday, January 10



She willed her legs to run faster. She had to catch up to him.

"Wait up!"

Her voice was hoarse and broken, tired from crying out every few seconds. She cleared her throat and tried again.

"Wait up! Please!"

But he couldn't hear her calls.

She continued to run after him, but it was useless. With every stride she took, he only got farther and farther away.


Her clumsiness made its appearance and she stumbled across the asphalt before falling onto the roadway. She groaned, lifted her head off the ground and looked ahead.

He never even turned around.

She was pitiful. A pathetic child chasing after a grown man who didn't give a damn about her. She was pining for a man who didn't even know she existed. She was wasting her time on someone who would never love her the way that she loved him.

But was it love? Did she love him? She wasn't sure.

She watched him as he got smaller and smaller on the horizon. Then, she rested her forehead against the asphalt as the tears began to fall.

"Please," she whispered. "Don't give up on me."

Sunday, January 8

Decisions, Decisions. . .

I'm going to make a life-altering decision.

And I feel pretty good about the decision I'm making.

Let's see where this decision takes me!

Wednesday, January 4

How Everywhere Is Everywhere??

Starting everywhere this Friday.

In theaters everywhere.

I hear variations of those two sentences all the time, usually after a movie trailer airs on television. But just how everywhere is everywhere?

The Movie-Voice-Over-Person says that this film will be showing everywhere or is already showing everywhere. But is it really showing everywhere? Half the time they say that, I never see the movie being shown anywhere near me.

Webster defines everywhere as being "in every place or part."

So, how can they say that a movie is being shown everywhere, when it's clearly not being shown everywhere. That sounds like false advertisement to me. Shouldn't they be forced to say, In theaters in a Major Metropolitan Area Near You?

Sure, it doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as In theaters everywhere. But it's correct! And isn't that what it's all about, people? There's always some group protesting that they want things to be correct in society.

Something needs to be done. When I see a movie trailer proclaiming In theaters everywhere, I expect to be able to see that movie anywhere I may be.

That's the whole point of everywhere.

Monday, January 2

New Year Blahs

So, it's official: 2006 has begun. And so far, it sucks just as much as 2005 did.

I guess that's not really a fair judgement. I mean, only two days have passed. There's still another 363 days left for 2006 to redeem itself.

It's probably too early to throw in the towel just yet.

* * *

From what I understand, Paris Hilton is terribly concerned about Nicole Richie's recent weight loss.

To this I say: "Yeah. Right." (Insert large, overlydramatic eyeroll here)

* * *

People drive me crazy.

Wait, let me rephrase: People that leave a path of destruction in their wake drive me crazy. Like, I'm-on-the-ceiling-hanging-upside-down-because-I've-already-climbed-the-walls-crazy.

I do not understand why someone would not pick up after themselves. It's common courtesy.

* * *

I also do not understand why someone insists on watching MTV at every possible chance. On occasion, I do watch MTV. But I don't watch it all the time. It's not the first channel I turn to upon finding the remote.

Shows like Room Raiders and NeXt only encourage the onslaught of talentless singers (MTV wannabes) who embarass everyone in the world with their cringe-worthy performances, full of horrendous lyrics and even more hideous music videos.

* * *

And why does VH1 have 1500 different I Love The ---- shows? There's I Love the 80s, I Love the 80s Strikes Back, I Love the 80s 3D, I Love the 90s, I Love the 90s Part Deux, I Love the 70s, I Love the Holidays . . .

These people love way too much. They don't need to be so "free" with their love. What's next? I Love Animals that Attack? I Love Serial Killers? I Love Fast Food Restaurants? I Love Cheesy Movies?

I should probably stop. I'm giving them ideas.