Tuesday, April 8

Why Walk When You Can Skate?

I dislike wheel-bearing shoes. Shoes that enable one to roll about on the ground or floor? They should be kept outside or in a specially designed rink. When I was a kid, we skated outside or at a skating rink. Not inside. When did it become socially acceptable to wear skates indoors for no good reason? Should they be allowed in department stores, malls, or supermarkets? Little skinny no.

These shoes (I've been told that they are actually called "Heelys") are an absolute menace to society. They are dangerous. Just from personal experience, I've nearly been run over about ten different times because of these demon shoes. They deserve some sort of alarm system in order to warn unsuspecting individuals that a small body is rocketing towards them at an unnecessary speed.

And really--why do children need to be on skates at all times? How often is it imperative for a child to move so quickly that walking and running would be too slow?

I understand that the shoes enable kids to be "cool" and such, much like those light-up shoes from my youth. 99% of the children I have encountered with the wheel shoes run into people willy-nilly and keep on going without so much as shouting out a "I'm-sorry-I-knocked-you-down-with-my-wheels-of-death-and-

When they're used in the right areas, they're fine. However, when they're worn in a crowded public area, they are ridiculous and often injurious to innocent bystanders.

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