Monday, May 21

There's No Cure for Stupidity

Not even a college degree will help.

Yesterday, after shelling out $3.30 for each gallon of gas I pumped into my little truck, I came home with an alarming idea.

I decided it would be a good idea to clean the stove/oven. I decided it would be wise to take out the racks and spray them down with cleaner and scrub them until I had acquired black grease and grime up to my elbows. Then, I decided to soak the inside of the oven with cleaner and scrub until the black gunk was up to my shoulders. For some reason, I figured if I sprayed stuff into the oven and onto the racks and let them soak for a while, clean up would be easy-peasy.

It wasn't. I don't know what possessed me to do this act of ignorance.

After cleaning for a good thirty to forty-five minutes, the oven was not even remotely spotless. It is cleaner than it was before the cleaning spree, but it is still full of icky gunk that I couldn't remove with any amount of scrubbing and swearing.

Since my hand shook uncontrollably for nearly an hour after the cleaning process, I have decided that instead of cleaning the stove in the future, it is best just to buy a new one every couple of years or so.

I am so dumb.

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