Saturday, June 10

People Don't Like You??? Use ProActiv!

Ever hear of ProActiv?

I'm sure you have. Some alleged acne miracle used by celebrities like Jessica Simpson, Alicia Keyes, Kelly Clarkson, and P.Diddy. There are always commercials and infomercials playing on television and there's usually advertisements throughout magazines and newspapers.

One late night, an infomercial for ProActiv came on. Tired and unmotivated to change the channel, I just kept the television on while I spent some time unwinding on the internet. I'm not even paying attention.... but then, I hear this:

ProActiv got people to like me again!

What? Excuse me? I don't quite understand. People didn't like you before you used ProActiv? They didn't like you because your face was covered in acne? Is that what you're saying??

Apparently, it was. This girl continued to gush about how ProActiv gave people a reason to like her again.

I'm sorry, but that's just so wrong. There are just so many things wrong with this child's way of thinking that I cannot even begin to discuss them. But this child believes that ProActiv saved her life by helping people to like her.

ProActiv. It's a magical solution created by two dermatologists that lures people into liking you.

That should be their new slogan.

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