Friday, December 30

2011: A Review

2011 has been full of all sorts of lessons and life events. For example,

* I graduated with a Master's degree.

* I got a new vehicle.

* I learned I'm getting a new nephew early next year.

* I learned that I can do summer reading programs! They are exhausting, but I can do them! And survive!

* I learned that Aussie tour guides are the BEST!

* I learned that the Atlanta airport is massive. And has insanely steep escalators.

* I learned that I still love Boston.

* I got to travel! To New York and Boston! <3

* I still love my job.

* I sorta miss school.

* I LOVE my Kindle. I don't know how I ever lived without one. Especially for long trips.

* My niece is made of awesome. She cracks me up so much.

* I'm sad there are no more Harry Potters, whether in print or film.

* I saw a Broadway play - Wicked! It was AMAZING.

* I saw Jason Mraz perform an acoustic show at Carnegie Hall, which was awesome.

* Walking snacks are SO great. Driving snacks are pretty okay, too.

* I'm a healthier me!

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