Saturday, April 2


I have to defend one answer on my comprehensive exam. This means that I passed 2/3 of the exam. This also means that I have to go before three faculty members and make my case about why I answered the way I answered. I'll know in a few days when I will go defend, which will be within the next two weeks.

What I also learned yesterday, apart from my score, is that defenses generally last 30 minutes to an hour. AN HOUR! And that the faculty members will ask me questions and MAY ask questions outside the scope of the original question.

I have too much to do (all due Monday) to start studying for my defense now, so I hope that I have ample time to prepare for the defense before I actually have to defend. I also hope I don't turn into a babbling, puking fool in front of the faculty members.

And I really hope I pass.

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