Wednesday, December 31

2008 In Review

Things I learned in 2008:

Health insurance isn't worth having if they refuse to pay for anything and everything.

People like to hide behind your vehicle when you're backing out of parking spaces at Target.

Hulu is awesome! You can watch all sorts of things on there legally. It's wonderful.

Twilight isn't as evil as I thought it would be. However, it is not a literary classic. If you think it is a literary classic, I suggest you visit a library or bookstore more frequently. Also, the movie is quite fun.

Our president-elect inspires hope in many people of various backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, and beliefs.

Dr. Horrible has a Ph.D. in Horribleness. He is truly very horrible and very awesome at the same time.

I can navigate myself through airports and travel on my own! Who knew?

Jason Mraz sounds even better when you travel ten hours to see him perform live.

Having a job can be both a blessing and a giant nuisance.

Living in a house that is in a safe neighborhood is mucho better than living in a duplex in a semi-slightly-scary neighborhood.

Brooklyn is a wonderful place to visit.

I have way too much music and I keep acquiring more music. It's a disease.

Governor Blagojevich is an arrogant fool.

When going to Nashville, it is imperative to pay attention to the highway signage in Little Rock. Otherwise, you'll end up in rice fields. And rice fields can be scary.

I am a very good house finder.

The Olympics are super fun. The summer Olympics are far superior to the winter Olympics. Also, Michael Phelps is fan-freakin'-tastic.

It is quite comical to throw one's shoes at a foe, especially if the foe is the President of the United States.

Jim proposed to Pam! Also, do not cross Phyllis.

Wisdom teeth do not carry wisdom and are extremely painful to have removed, especially when they're yanked from your jaw while you're still awake and can hear the pliers hitting your other teeth.

Natalies are good things to have around.

When regular people are drowning in their debt, they file bankruptcy. When companies and corporations have financial trouble, the government gives them taxpayer money to continue making stupid financial decisions.

There must be something in the water because most people I know either got married, had a baby, or are currently pregnant or engaged. Good thing my water is filtered. ;)

Amy Poehler + Seth Meyers = Pure genius.

ETA: Also, Tina Fey is amazing and freakin' hilarious. Someone awesome reminded me that watching Tina Fey as Sarah Palin was one of the best things to come out of the election. Thanks, Amb!

1 comment:

Amber said...

We can't forget Tina Fey.

And I know of the rice fields you speak...Ended up that way a couple times on the way to Nash.