Sunday, August 26

Robert Goulet and How to Be A Rockstar

Why, of all people, does Robert Goulet appear to wreak havoc in the office? I've seen the Emerald Nuts commercials several times and, while I understand that the afternoon sleepies often attack at work and that snacking on something rich in protein like Emerald Nuts, one can counteract the aftenoon weariness.

But Robert Goulet??

I don't know. I guess I'd much rather see William Shatner or something. Someone less obscure than Robert Goulet, whom I'd never even know about had it not been for Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place. If someone's going to come into my office and tear things up, I want to know who it is.

* * *

No, Nickleback, we don't all want to be rockstars. I'd like to be famous (I think), but I have no desire to drive fifteen cars or have a drug dealer on speed dial. Nor would I enjoy a bathroom that I could play football in or a huge tub that would fit ten plus me. Can you imagine cleaning that tub? Or the entire bathroom? I mean, I suppose, if you're a rockstar, you can hire someone to clean for you, but still.

I don't know if they're being sarcastic, but I really find the song annoying. I mean, the singer is so determined to be a rockstar that he'll even get a haircut and a name change. Well, whoop-dee-frickin'-do. What a transformation! The two most important ingredients in gaining fame and fortune are getting a haircut and changing your name. I mean, seriously, is that all it takes? No talent? No integrity? No self-respect?

Oh, wait. I'd forgotten for a moment what time period I live in. Of course, that's all it takes! Silly me for thinking people should be rewarded for their actual talents and merits, not their ability to change their appearance on a whim.

1 comment:

Amber said...

So basically, you should update this asap. We have no new Tara News to put on your old marker board...