Saturday, July 14

Ramblings in the Night

I need a job. Or a life plan. The end.

My truck likes to pull crap and anger me.

I can't decided on a career. I don't want work to be work. I want to enjoy what I do. Is that too much to ask?

I'm being disillusioned by capitalism.

I like living in large metro areas where I have access to things that interest me. Now, if only I had the money to find the things that interest me...

I wish people would not look at me awkwardly on the roadways. Especially when I do not give them reason for said awkward looks. It makes me angry.

I wish I could be content with the status quo instead of always feeling indifferent or discontent.

I wish I was as smart as people think I am.

I wish my alma mater would quit calling to see if I have a job yet.
A) I just graduated two months ago.
B) It's hard to get a job without experience.
C) You people are rubbing salt in an open wound.

1 comment:

Christin said...

Aww... :console: :hug: :smooch: I'm sorry you're feeling a little blue right now. I know how that feels, it strikes me in waves, too. Although, despite the fact that I sometimes wish that my studying time was already over, I'm glad that I exactly know what I am supposed to be doing for the next 12 months. But I'm already dreading the moment I graduate... What will come next...?

Anyway, what I meant to say was: You are smart and you'll find something life-fulfilling to do in no time. I have faith in you, and so should you. :smooch: