Monday, September 28

23 Things: Thing 13

The summer I lived in Plano, I customized an iGoogle home page and used it all the time. Well, it was my home page, so I saw it every time I used the internet. After I moved back, I didn't really use the iGoogle page that much. However, it is still active. I logged in, tweaked a few things, and ta-da! Back in business.

iGoogle is an online productivity tool aimed at, well, increasing productivity. As a home page, it can be customized to include all kinds of things. For example, my page has my Google Reader RSS feed, weather updates, news stories, and the like. And I can access my Google home page from anywhere. I don't know that I will make the customized iGoogle my formal home page. I'm quite partial to starting the day with a healthy dose of CNN. However, I can see the usefulness because I can incorporate CNN into the home page and all the other information I find pertinent.

I looked into the calendar site 30 Boxes. I don't really care for online or computerized calendars. They're okay and probably work for some individuals, but I prefer a good ol' planner to map out my assignments and bill due dates. And most of the time, I don't even need the actual calendar because I remember dates pretty well. I may not know what exactly is due on October 13th, but I know that I have two small papers due on that date.

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